The Black Moon Lilith Quilt and My First YouTube Video

The Black Moon Lilith Quilt and My First YouTube Video

The Black Moon Lilith Quilt and My First YouTube Video

I made my first YouTube video! I made a new quilt called Black Moon Lilith, participated in a YouTube tagged challenge and learned so much.

The YouTube Challenge

When I saw Ivy The Occultist's #12DaysOfYule challenge, I knew I wanted to do something. All of the prompts were inspiring. But the one I was most passionate about was for December 27th: Connecting to Your Land in Winter. I decided to go on a Winter Forest Quilty Photoshoot. Come along with me!

Two Black Moon Lilith Quilts lay in a pine forest. The quilts are round with fern and mushroom fabric with rich gold and sparkly moons. The forest is dark and misty.

The Black Moon Lilith Quilt

I have been doing some shadow work in my witchcraft practice this year and decided to make a quilt that honors the darker parts of myself. I looked at my astrological birth chart and did some research into my Black Moon Lilith.  Mine resides in the sign of Libra.  What about yours?  

A Black Moon Lilith Quilt lay in a pine forest. The quilt is round with fern and mushroom fabric with rich gold and sparkly moons. The middle is a dark moon with the astrology symbol for Black Moon Lilith. The forest is dark and misty.

I used this as inspiration for my Black Moon Lilith Quilt. It's a round quilt and comes together quickly. I made two versions: one with the symbol for Black Moon Lilith and the other with a crescent moon in the middle. I think the pattern would make a lovely Yule tree skirt, don't you agree?

Two Black Moon Lilith Quilts lay in a pine forest. The quilts are round with fern and mushroom fabric with rich gold and sparkly moons. The forest is dark and misty.

I used forest inspired Art Gallery Fabric print called Fern and Fungus in Acorn. Can't get enough of those mushrooms and ferns! Can you tell I love ferns?  Ferns in the forest and my familiar feline, Fern. She is the cutest and has her own hashtag on instagram, #fernthequilttester.

A cute gray striped cat lays on a quilt and playfully bats the camera.

Skills Gained

After the Moon Portal Quilt  I was pretty comfortable with sewing curves and inset circles. You can read about the Moon Portal Quilt Cover Quilt, here. The Black Moon Lilith Quilt is constructed like a pie, with each phase of the moon inset in a wedge shape. The center moon and symbol is inset in the center. I was unsure how well the technique would work with all of the stretchy bias edges. But the process was easier than expected and was pretty forgiving.

A Black Moon Lilith Quilt lay in a pine forest. The quilt is round with fern and mushroom fabric with rich gold and sparkly moons. The center moon is an earthy rust with a dark siena shadow.The forest is dark and misty.

This was my first YouTube video and my first time using video editing software. It took me a while to get the hang of it. And I kept it pretty simple. But I'm proud of myself for having the courage to do it.

You can watch it here:

Connecting to the Land in Winter

I live in the Northern Hemisphere so we get plenty of cold weather during the Yule season. Making a point to get outside more year round has helped me to appreciate the wheel of the year. And I find that the winter has it's own quiet beauty.

Here are some tips to help you enjoy the dark half of the year...

Go Outside Year Round

The more you are able to explore your surroundings, the more you will connect to the land. If you are a summer person, make it a point to get outside as it gets cooler.  Those transition months will help you acclimate to colder weather gradually.

Visit Your Magical Place Often

Find a place you love, one that is easily accessible and visit often. You'll learn so much about where plants and animals reside and the best times of the year to see them. You'll find yourself getting excited to witness the turning of the wheel.

For instance, I know where to find the skunk cabbage that comes up in December. I visit the patch of snowdrops every February. I look forward to seeing the only patch of winter aconite on the trail every year.

Download a plant and animal identification app on your phone to help you get to know your area.

Invest in Warm Clothes

This may sound simple, but warm clothes make frockling in the snow more enjoyable. You can find budget friendly wool socks, shirts and waterproof shoes online second hand marketplaces. 

Know Your Limits

If you have mobility issues, or it's -30 F outside, trudging around in the snow may not be possible. But that's ok. I bet you have a window. 

Sometimes enjoying the beautiful winter light from a window with a hot beverage and snuggly quilt is the best idea.  You can always connect with the outdoors in other ways, like sketching the view from your window, or putting together a winter color palette from nature photos.

A Black Moon Lilith Quilt lay in a pine forest. The quilt is round with fern and mushroom fabric with rich gold and sparkly moons. In the middle is a dark moon with the astrology symbol for Black Moon Lilith, made in an earthy rust color fabric.The forest is dark and misty.

In conclusion, I had such a magical time on this Winter Quilty Photoshoot and taking part in the #12DaysOfYule challenge. I gained skills, enjoyed a day outside and am ready to make my next YouTube video.  I'd be truly honored if you would like my very first video and subscribe to my YouTube channel.


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